There are preventions & cures out there, good luck
to those who has it. Survivors please tell your story,
for strength..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


FujiFilm's Mammograms for a
Million Moms FujiFilm has
partnered with
National Breast Cancer Foundation
in support for early detection with
mammograms. FujiFilm and
National Breast Cancer Foundation
promote the
"Mammograms for a Million Moms"
website which allows a user to pledge
that one will sign up one's self or
family member for a mammogram more »
(Go to the above logo to find out more
of there promotional offers.)


If you smoke you are damaging your
breast and slowly killing yourself!! All
that tar and nicotine is going to your
breast,. Find ways to quite smoking:
family,.. involvement. Find resources..
NBCF, library, your family dr.,..

Hi friends, pleased to meet you all.
Like million's of people all over the
world probably think "the one part
of our body that in (my opinion) we
should never to worry about is our
breast. Because when I found out
about this unnecessary disease.
Thats what I thouht. Men you may
not be ruled out, due to the fact. You
also have them not like a womens
though. However you still have them.

All I can say is think RESOURCES/..
videos, books, is there a type of super
vitamin out there that can cure this or
prevent this? How about food,
beverages, does sugar play a part in
this? How about fat.. transfat,
saturated,.. this list goes on. We are
all encouraged to read the labels of the
foods we eat. Lets remember friends
food goes everywhere in our bodies,
the ingredients the fats I was just
mentioning, etc. Finding out what
made that LUMP. "It wasn't there

Also, finding your nearest
"breast cancer clinic", institute will
also SAVE the day, in many ways.
They are there for the victims, their
families and friends,. They also
introduce better ways of living,
options on curing the disease so it
will never flare up.

The most important conversation
you can have with your family is
breast cancer prevention.. specially
with the daughters in the family,
friends.. ask them to do self-checks
on themselves. Talk to them one on
one. Find resources out there. Books,
magazines, videos, Get in a..
"Breast Cancer club", create one in
your neigborhood. Finding out the
types of foods, such as vegetables,
fruit, beans. That can prevent or heal
the damaged area. Drinking certain
beverages can help or prevent the
disease. There are various types of
ways to rx.s: prescribed rx.s, herbal
remedies, not to mention possibly
radiation therapy as well. Proven to

And, also lets not forget after you've
gone through the ordeal of
treatments, worring everyday "am I
going to make it?" in the back of your
mind. Those clothes they aren't going
to look the same. I am not the same
person. "My breast" in a sad tone to
yourself. Thats when family bonding
comes in, inspiring materials, lots of
phone calls, support groups, and
realizing your aren't the only one
feeling this way. Millions of women
either get rid of their breast cut it
down to a %age, or worse the die from
either lack of knowledge or they did
not want to face the facts (denial).

Going shopping may even be hard.
Because you don't have what you used
to have. It will be hard. Thats when
family again plays a huge part in the
healing process. Color combinations
in the right areas can add more of an
awesome figure to you. And lets not
forget the hair. That is a good chunk
of your look right there. What
hairstyle is right for you. A whole
new makeover, within (reason) money
wise, and realizing the fact that you
want to have your clothes closet work
for you, where you automatically see
an outfit forming just by going in your
closet. Combine different color scemes
pants, shirt,.. in your closet and create
masterpieces for the following days/
week. Adding a few more clothes pieces
to your wardrobe. Possibly go to
consignment shops, thrift shops,. Also,
keep in mind when you go there you are
helping your community, because they
give back to the community by
donations either money or merchandise.

Other helpful resources:
FROM "National Breast Cancer Foundation"

Taking a few minutes to do a breast
self-exam a minimum of once a month
can make a lifetime of difference. Nearly
70% of all breast cancers are found
through self-exams and with early
detection the 5-year survival rate is 98%.
If you find a lump, schedule an
appointment with your doctor, but don't
panic—8 out of 10 lumps are not
cancerous. For additional peace of mind,
call your doctor whenever you have

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant
(cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast.
It is considered a heterogeneous disease—
differing by individual, age group, and even the
kinds of cells within the tumors themselves.
Obviously no woman wants to receive this
diagnosis, but hearing the words "breast cancer"
doesn't always mean an end. It can be the
beginning of learning how to fight, getting the
facts and finding hope.


A change in how the breast or nipple feels You
may experience nipple tenderness or notice a
lump or thickening in or near the breast or in
the underarm area. A change in how the breast
or nipple looksThis could mean a change in the
size or shape of the breast or a nipple that is
turned slightly inward. In addition, the skin of
the breast, areola or nipple may appear scaly,
red or swollen or may have ridges or pitting
that resembles the skin of an orange.
Nipple discharge

In front of the mirror:

Inspect your breasts with your arms at your
sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead.
Look for any changes in the contour of each
breast, a swelling, a dimpling of the skin, or
changes in the nipples. Then rest your palms
on your hips and press firmly to flex your
chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not
exactly match—few women's breasts do.

In a shower or by yourself:

Fingers flat, move gently over every part of
each breast. Use your right hand to examine
the left breast, left hand for the right breast.
Check for any lump, hard knot, or thickening.
Carefully observe any changes in your breasts.